Keep Your Teeth White Naturally.

We all understand the importance of maintaining oral hygiene, but oral health is not limited to the hygiene only. Despite maintaining regular oral hygiene we may end up having stained teeth without being aware of how we got them in the first place. Usually discoloration of teeth does not take place in one day, so many does not even realise that they have it, till someone points it out, or till they notice it in a photograph. Treatments offered by New York City Orthodontics can remove tarters and stains on the teeth. If the stain is only on the exterior part of the teeth the treatment will be less expensive, but if the stains is because of the internal part of the teeth being affected the cost will be high. If the cause of the stain is tooth decay one may also have to lose their teeth. Despite the most advanced treatments offered by NYC Orthodontics to treat discoloration of the teeth, depending on the damage of the teeth they may have to remove it to save other teeth.

New York City Braces

We are usually very less informed about the ideal lifestyle and habits for healthy teeth like we are about the lifestyles for a healthy body despite being educated about it in the regular check-ups by NYC Orthodontics.

Apart from making sure that the water we use does not have fluoride in it, we should also make sure that the food we eat has enough calcium and protein in it. The teeth are made up of hard crystals of calcium phosphate and minerals that are bound by protein. Calcium helps in making the enamel strong and protein along with calcium makes the inside of the teeth strong.. Beneath the layer of the enamel lies the dentin which is very dense and the color of the dentin can be seen through the enamel. If that gets discolored your teeth will look discolored. Having healthy diet makes the dentin healthy and the pulp healthy. If the pulp dies from injury to the teeth or if the dentin gets discolored by stains from medicine, tarter, plaque etc., the teeth will look discolored. Maintain a diet which is not only stain-free but also healthy. For the food that causes stain you always rinse the mouth immediately and brush the teeth after sometime.

Drinking lot of water helps in washing out the food particles left in the mouth and also letting more saliva to form. Saliva kills the bacteria in the mouth and also cleans the teeth. The enamel of the teeth gets formed by being in contact with the saliva. The outer layer of the teeth needs phosphate and fluoride to mineralize, which is provided by the saliva, so when you drink more water and thereby have more saliva you will add more layers to the enamel –the harder the enamel is the more protected the dentin will be. Your teeth will look whiter when the enamel is thick. If despite that you have discolored teeth take help of New York City Orthodontics.

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