What is that smell in your mouth? Causes of Bad Breath

One common question we are mostly asked in our practice is – “what are the causes of my bad breath? ”. Even our patients of New York City braces face problem of bad breath. With braces, you will have a little problem of bad breath because you have those metal in your mouth. There is nothing to worry about and when you know the right way to deal with your bad breath, you will find a way out. In the following section we are going to discuss in detail about the causes of bad breath, how do you perform adequate oral hygiene and the way you can keep smelling fresh. Many a time this complain of bad breath is not from the offender, but this comes out of a long suffering from the close friend or a family member. There are many causes of bad breath – some are serious and some are not. And while many people have decided to just hold things on their own and live with it, the good news is that diagnosing and treating bad breath is something that can be easily dealt with. NYC Orthodontics Th...