What is that smell in your mouth? Causes of Bad Breath

One common question we are mostly asked in our practice is – “what are the causes of my bad breath? ”. Even our patients of New York City braces face problem of bad breath. With braces, you will have a little problem of bad breath because you have those metal in your mouth. There is nothing to worry about and when you know the right way to deal with your bad breath, you will find a way out. In the following section we are going to discuss in detail about the causes of bad breath, how do you perform adequate oral hygiene and the way you can keep smelling fresh.

Many a time this complain of bad breath is not from the offender, but this comes out of a long suffering from the close friend or a family member. There are many causes of bad breath – some are serious and some are not. And while many people have decided to just hold things on their own and live with it, the good news is that diagnosing and treating bad breath is something that can be easily dealt with.

NYC Orthodontics


The following are some of the prominent causes of bad breath:
Routine Illness

Bad breath can be a cause of any routine illness, which is not yet diagnosed. You can talk to your dental experts and upon examination, he or she will be able to unfold a lot of things. Conditions like sore throat, coughs, colds and sinus infections all cause foul smelling mucus, which is trapped in your mouth, nose or throat resulting in bad breath until the illness is taken care of very well. Now that you know this, if you are suffering from any of such illnesses, you should keep distance from people.

Food containing pungent Oils

Garlic and onions are quite healthy and tasty as well. However, they are responsible to add to your bad breath. They contain oils which will cause the people around you flee. You would have heard from a lot of people complaining about garlic or onion breath. This odor comes deep from the lungs and it lasts up to 72 hours, and it is not easy to cover up.

Dry mouth

When your mouth isn’t producing sufficient amount of saliva and you are suffering from dehydration or so, you can have the problem of bad breath. Dry mouth will invite the dead cells to accumulate on your tongue, cheeks and gums. The morning foul breath is normal due to reduced salivary activity, it shouldn’t last the entire day. People who are regular medication, snore or are middle aged have this problem of dry mouth.

Come to us and try our treatments of New York City Invisalign.

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